Episode 7

How To Make Your Launches A VIBE ™ | Ep.07

Launches don’t have to be this hard and energy draining thing. In fact they get to be FUN, pleasurable and a complete Vibe from start to finish. In this episode, I dive into how to make your launches a VIBE™, get your pen and paper ready…

Download the “How to make launches a VIBE™ checklist here: https://www.theresalambertcoaching.com/launchchecklist

Find out more about the LAUNCHED Program: https://www.theresalambertcoaching.com/Launched

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support.  Her mission: To make Business EASY so your life can be more FULL.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.


Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching



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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Teresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Let's talk about making your launches a complete vibe from start to finish. I love launches. I love talking about launches. I love teaching my clients launch strategy, how to launch launched, my signature program is coming back in September, and I'm so so so hyped up about it. And launches to me get to be a vibe, they get to be fun, they get to be exciting, and they don't have to be this energy training thing. So this is what I'm going to be diving into on this week's episode of The diaries of a six figure podcast. And then next week, as we're continuing to go for, I'm going to take a deep dive, I'm actually giving you my launch content strategy that you get to steal. And I'm going to be talking about really being able to be willing to show up in your business, which ties into launches as well at the end of this month. So I have a plan for us this July. I already alluded to that in the last episode, we're going to go forward, we're going to get down to business. And I'm going to help you with some tools that can really support you in making things happen for you, bringing in more clients, bringing in more cash, bringing in what you want to bring in so you can achieve your goals. This is what we're going to do. So why make launches a vibe, why make launches does fun, pleasurable experience? Well, I want to take you back to when I became a coach full time, which was January 2020, I jumped into my business full time. And I had all sorts of different plans for my business. In fact, I was going to be doing Hotel Management Consulting, I was a hotel GM before very, very successful had built a big reputation for my ability to build business that way. And I was sought after as that. So I was going to do hotel management consulting. And above that I was going to be very active as a leadership and executive coach in the hospitality and specifically hospitality hotel field, where all of my contacts are that I have literally built over the last decade. Okay, and so March rolled around, and we all know what happened, right? Like the pandemic, everybody shut down, and hotels shut down. And the last thing they were worried about is bringing in a consultant when they didn't even know if they could be open the next day. So my plans changed from really building my business in pass and building my business through my connections that I had built and, and nurtured for a decade to taking my business entirely online. And this is when I was started to be introduced to launching the way we know about launching or maybe we feel or think we know about launching in the online coaching space. And what is a launch? Let's touch on that quickly because I want to make sure we're all on the same page. A launch is essentially you introducing an offer your program or service or product to your audience. It is introducing your offer product program or service to your audience. That is what a launch is. That is what a launch is. Does a launch lead into selling and getting butts in seats. Hell, yes, absolutely. But the launch itself is really about introducing something to your audience in a way that draws them in in a way that is fun in a way that builds hype in a way that gets people interested in curious and wanting to know more wanting to come into your world and the way I like

Theresa Lambert:

To align my launches and my content plan and everything really, that I do with my launches, and the way I teach it follows the client journey. And so the launch process takes us through the entire journey from a client becoming aware, off them even having a problem becoming aware of your product, and how that can close the gap between where they are now and where they desire to be. And then ultimately positions your product, your program your service, as the solution, which is when they choose to come into your wealth, experience it and ultimately, the desired outcome here would be that they did enjoy it so much and love it so much and have such a good time that they stopped talking about it and build brand loyalty. That's a very quick, deep dive into client, Johnny. Okay. But here I was being introduced to launches and the way I was introduced to them, it was this long, lengthy, exhausting process. With months and months of preparation to launch something like months and months of preparation to launch something, it was this big, big like almost it seemed like this big, like sales effort, like there was something about it that just didn't really sit with me and land with me. And I was like, well, maybe that's just what it is. Because the online space, the way I thought about it felt like the wild west to me, it felt like the wild west to me. Yes, for my hotel experience, we did a ton of marketing online, we did a ton of things to build brand loyalty, we did a ton of things to have people be attracted, because we build on the foundations of attraction marketing and a hospitality industry. But ultimately, it felt so different to be in my own business to have my own coaching business. And so being introduced to these lavish, long, complicated processes was crazy. I went down this rabbit hole on creating really complex funnels systems processes, I was spending days and days and days, hours and weeks, trying to implement all these things, building all these systems. And then as I was launching, I wasn't seeing any of the results. Half the time I was exhausted by the time I was actually starting to talk to my audience about the offer. And it became just this like yucky energy draining thing. And I knew at that point that there had to be a better way to launch, there had to be a better way to do that in a way where you really are able to embody the feeling, and body divide, have the experience and lead yourself through a launch in the same energetic frequency and emotional alignment. Then you desire your client to feel when they're in your program and after your program. For you to be embodying what you are teaching through the way you show up through your launches, to make it fun to make it pleasurable to make a launch something that actually energizes you. And that feels like this is the best freakin way ever. Like this is fun. Like I enjoy showing up this way. I enjoy talking about my office every day, I enjoy welcoming people into my world every day, I enjoy taking myself through this process. Not oh my god, like I'm launching and I'm exhausted and I'm free days in and I'm losing faith and it's not working and like this is all too much. And like I spend all these months building it and now it's not working and raw. Right, you get my drift? So is there a way to make it a vibe to make it a vibe? And if there is how do we do it? And this is what I figured out for myself by combining my experience of building luxury hospitality and building an eight figure business and the knowledge that I had gained and the wisdom I had gained from having my own online coaching business and from the things that I invested 100 $100,000 I've invested over $100,000 into learning tools and strategies for online business on top of like over a decade of business experience building an eight figure business so I took the two I took the philosophies of what we were doing in a hotel industry in the hotel that I was working at with our marketing with the way we're attracting people in with the client journey with a focus on the experience and axelent product, as well as an VTX.

Theresa Lambert:

Something that becomes like a memorable way, like really creating an emotion of feeling and having this overarching vision that we hold for that experience so that clients can help it, but one to be coming into our world. Okay, I combined that with the knowledge that I had. And I came up with the Vype method. And so the vibe method is really a full step process that we take ourselves through when we prepare for launches. And that let's make launches, how to make launches, a vibe checklist will take you through this and ask you a whole bunch of questions and things. So this will be super useful. So make sure you download it, it's a free resource for me to you. But here's what it is. The first thing is, in the right method is your vision. K V stands for vision, we got to have the helicopter view, we got to get the overview of what it is that we're actually trying to accomplish the vibe, how we desire to feel, in the program, how we want our clients to feel like, what are we actually offering? What are we actually doing? Right? Like, we need clarity, we need a big picture, what problems are we solving? Or what pains? Are we healing? Or what goals are we helping people achieve through our program that we're offering through our service that we're offering? Right? Like, what is that? Where are our clients now? And where do we believe they will be after they have come into our world through purchasing this product program or service? Right? So we need clarity, we need to look at, you know, what are all these pieces? Who are we calling in? Right? Like these are some really, really critical pieces when it comes to launching we need to vision we need to helicopter view. The second thing is the invisible path. Okay, envision so we have vision, and then our vive vision, and then the AI stands for invisible path. What's the invisible path? This is your client journey. This is getting really clear for ourselves, how are we moving people through our business? How are we moving people deeper into taking another step? Like what actions do we want them to take? And the reason why I'm calling this the invisible path is because your clients won't actually know that they're following the path. But you know, and because you know, you're very clear on communicating the next step you want them to take to be able to move them through from your social media to possibly your sales page to have a call with you drew joining your program to experiencing the program ultimately to buying again. Okay, so VT, this invisible path is you being clear on all the different places and all the different steps and all the different touchpoints that that client is going to have with your brand. This is what the invisible path is about. It gives you clarity, and clarity builds confidence. And clarity is also the number one indicator for high performance. So if you desire to achieve better results, if you desire to perform better if you desire to get more shit done. Having clarity is key. So vision invisible POV what's the B stand for? Well, it's Build it once we have the vision once we're clear on the invisible path. Now we got to build all the different pieces that we need to be able to actually deliver on our promise to be able to lead people through these different stages through the launch and these different stages of our client journey. So what are all the things that we need to build, whether that is creating links for people to sign up sales pages, landing pages, opt in pages, a Facebook group, if you're running things in Facebook, whether you're creating if it's an online course whether you're having to build the actual online course recorded and have it all ready to go like what are all the pieces that we need in place? What automation do you want in place so that you don't have to do everything manually, right? So we built chi so vision, invisible path, build it and the last thing is efore experience. This is when we're really about being in the vibe embodying your teaching, embodying those emotions, embodying what people are going to experience on the other side, when they have closed the gap, how they are going to be feel experience, life, their business, their health, their relationships, whatever it is, that you help them do. This is about really bringing that emotional connection bringing the energy to your launch that you are putting out there in the world. That energy is huge. This is the flow this is the magnetism This is to you yumminess this is the thing that makes people lean in and be like, wow, like,

Theresa Lambert:

I didn't know about this. Wow, like, Yeah, I do experience this on a day to day basis. Yeah, I wouldn't love to feel this way I would love to be able to communicate this way, I would love to be able to launch this way, I would love to be able to fill my programs with more ease, I would love to be able to introduce my clients to my office in a way that feels fun and exciting and pleasurable, and they are so hyped up that they literally can't wait to hit by. This is the embodiment, the energy, the vibe, the experience that we want to bring in, this has got to be in alignment with what it is for you. And we know what it is because you've already mapped out division. So the experience is the experience that you create, both for your client taking them through your launch through introducing the offer through hyping them up to be like I won in two, also you write your experience and the clients experience for the launch has to be aligned, everybody's got to have a good time. Nobody likes to feel sold to, if you're showing up for your launch process. And it feels heavy and hard. Guess what, that's the energy you're going to give up. So in order to make your launch a vibe to make it feel fun, exciting pleasurable, and you're like I am so lit and I'm calling in these clients, you have got to be able to create an experience through the way of you being in your business, that way of you being in this world. And showing up that way and embodying it, because we can't fake this. This is really key. And so this is what the vibe method is all about. This is how we make launches a vibe. And when I started to do that, it changed the game for me, I started to fill more spots and free events, I started to fill more spots in my in my programs and offers, I started to really change the way I was doing things and it changed my business. And it's a huge part of what helped me build a six figure business. And now launching is one of the main things that I help my clients with. And, and I have some really cool things coming up launched is coming back. As I mentioned, there's a presale that is open and open right now. So so make sure you keep your eyes peeled on all these things. I'll drop a Like I'll add the link as well to the launch program. But the main thing that I want to want to give you this week is really this free checklist how to make your launches a vibe checklist, because it is a mad resource, okay. But when we have this, when we have a strategy for our launches, it really changes because we're not just throwing the spaghetti at the wall, right? Remember what I spoke about last week about being a CEO, this is no different.

Theresa Lambert:

Implementing this VIB launch method into your business is no different than putting this full bowl of spaghetti down and saying I don't need to throw spaghetti at the wall anymore because I have a strategy and I have a plan. And when I show up this way, and that energy with that excitement, building that much hype creating that much awareness, really taking people through this process of showing them how they can get from where they are now to where they really want to be. and position my product, my program on my service as that solution through the launch process in alignment with the client journey, which is studied consumer behavior, this isn't something made up this works. This works because we're tapping into psychological behavior of our people of our clients. Because we start to understand how to break down the walls, how to take them on a journey, how to take them on a trip, like I like to always say like, launching is literally like taking people on this journey, this unforgettable journey to a new destination that they can't wait to go to. So imagine you take your people through this launch, you're introducing your offer in a way that makes people feel like they're going onto a vacation and they can't wait to go on that vacation. Like do you know what it feels like to book a trip? When was the last time you booked a trip and you research and you get all excited? And then you're like, Oh yeah, and then you book your flights and you're like, Oh my God. And then when you're on the journey, you have this excitement you're like, oh my god, it's happening among the plane bags dropped off, go into the gate, get that done with right bought the plane, maybe you have a glass of wine while you're flying. Maybe you have a cup of tea, whatever your jam is, and you arrive at the destination and ultimately come to a beautiful hotel and you're like, Wow, this is incredible. And I can't wait to share with the world where I'm at with the world with what's happening, right like this is how I think about launching this is the essence of the vibe methodology. So go ahead download the How To Make launches a vibe checklist and next week in next week's episode I'm going to be diving into for you to steal my launch content plan so we're gonna get really down to business next time and I cannot cannot wait. If this resonated with you if you're like, hyped up if you're like, Oh, what am I doing laundry survive? Make sure you download that checklist make sure you share it on your socials. We want more people to know about this because the more people know how to properly launch their programs and products without it being this big overwhelming thing. The more successful coaches we have, the more successful entrepreneurs we have, the more of us are able to fulfill our dreams. So sharing is caring. I love you so much. And I cannot wait to dive into next week with you have an epic epic week and I will chat with you soon. Peace.

About the Podcast

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Diaries of a 6 figure Coach

About your host

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Theresa Lambert

Theresa Lambert is a Business & Success Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports ambitious Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Leaders to redefine success with elegance and create the Impact, Income and Freedom they desire in Business and in Life.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.